In a couple of years, the old timers of WillowWind RV Park
will sit over coffee and regale themselves of the tales of the brutal winter of
2015-2016. “Yep,” they will say, “it was
the coldest winter we’ve ever had here in Hurricane.”
Or so I’m told. Many
of the repeat residents have told us that this winter has been much colder than
the past several. And it seems that our
particular trailer just isn’t set up for the colder temperatures.

But then there’s the water system. In late December our water hose froze
solid. Thankfully no interior pipes were
broken. What’s a snowbird to do? They make heated insulation for trailer water
hoses, and for a while we seriously considered the investment. Then a practical trailer owner advised us, “Just
fill up your tanks.” Brilliant! We knew
they worked as we’d used them at Washington Lake.
I forgot about the downside of filling the tanks – you have
to refill them when they run out. Last
year in Chasing
Water I envisioned myself running out of water mid-shower. Well, it happened yesterday. Expletives began sputtering out of my mouth
as the water sputtered to a few dribbles and then nothing. It was my nightmare come true – my hair was
full of shampoo; my body covered in soap, and no water!
I shouted to my husband in the next room. After he picked himself up from rolling on
the floor laughing (I did not witness this due to the soap in my eyes, but I know it was happening), he hooked the
hose back to the tap and restored the water.
Looking back, it was kind of funny.
Oh, OK, really and truly hilarious!
We’re here in Hurricane for another couple of months. Hopefully the warmer days are headed our way.
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