To every adventure there is a beginning, a middle, and an
end. Our Hoop Lake adventure ended on
Labor Day. Labor Day weekend was the
busiest weekend we had all summer – with campers and with friends and family
who took advantage of our final weekend to come visit us. We welcomed our daughter Lisa and her
boyfriend, Josh; longtime friends Dave and Chris; and Rob, Paul’s good friend,
who was there for the third time.
Our water was shut down on Labor Day, September 3 – our last
day as campground hosts. The campground
will remain open for an extended season to accommodate the deer and elk hunters
during September and October. The
hunters, of course, have no problem bringing their own water. They are also happy to have bathrooms, even
if they are cleaned only once a week by Forest Service personnel.
We pulled the trailer out on September 3 and brought it down
the mountain. It was somewhat a comedy
of errors. Parking the trailer the first
time was challenging. The angle at which the trailer was parked required a very
precise angle of the truck to get it hooked up again, which took about seven
tries. Thanks to Rob for his assistance
(and his patience) in hooking up the trailer.
It was a very good thing that I was all the way across the campground
cleaning out fire pits.
Our original plan was to move the trailer into another, more
level site, once it was hooked up. But
after a couple of tries at backing it into the site, it was clear that our
trailer was too large to fit. Actually,
Hoop Lake was built when the largest trailers built were 20 feet – nothing like
the 32-foot behemoth we own. There are
only two sites in the campground that easily accommodate a trailer this large.
Plan B – pull down the mountain and then spend the night at the KOA in Lyman,
Wyoming. Good plan. We got the trailer all the way out of the
campground and to the base of the lake when we realized we’d left the sewer
hose hanging on the signboard.
Sigh. Since I was wearing my
hiking boots – not my running shoes – I walked up to get it. Picture me hiking down the road with about 20
feet of sewer hose wrapped around myself like a feather boa. Too bad nobody got a photo!
Thankfully, bringing the trailer home was uneventful.
Our adventure at Hoop Lake has ended, but our retirement
adventure is just beginning!
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