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Wild Rose |
A sign along the road to Hoop Lake states “Only certified
weed-free hay is allowed in the campground.”
When we arrived in the campground, my first thought was that someone
didn’t obey this sign. Our entire
campsite was carpeted in yellow dandelions.
Dandelions? Of course, the very
next day the yellow carpet was replaced by a white layer of snow, but the
dandelions didn’t seem to mind. One of
the first questions I asked our Forest Ranger, Nancy, was “are dandelions
native to this area?” She assured me that
yes; they are native and are a source of food for some of the wildlife
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Colorado Columbine |
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Indian Paintbrush |
Since that time, our campground has been the home to many
beautiful wildflowers. Between the
poster I picked up at the Mountain View Ranger Station, the knowledge of my
sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Kim and Jaren, and the copy of The Peterson
Field Guide to Rocky Mountain Wildflowers they loaned me, I’ve been able to
identify several species. These are a few
of my favorites.
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Wild Iris |
I thought last year’s camp hosts had planted a bulb before
they left, but again I am wrong – the Wild Iris is in fact native.
Jaren referred to this yellow flower in this photo as ADYC –
another damn yellow composite. He
likened it to the birdwatchers’ LGB – little grey bird.
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Kim and Jaren also taught me how to tell the difference
between a pine, a fir, and a spruce tree.
Pine needles come off in pairs.
Spruce needles are square-ish, while fir needles are flat. Great alliteration: Pine – Pairs, Spruce –
Square, Fir – Flat. Who says you can’t
teach an old camp host new tricks?
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