The Campground Manager’s site is the only one in the
campground with water and sewer hookups.
Great! But the water wasn’t
turned on yet, and we didn’t have enough sewer hose to reach the
connection. We had brought plenty of
water, and thankfully the pit toilets were open. Where were those camp hosts who were supposed
to clean them? Oh, wait – that’s us.
Memorial Day Weekend is traditionally the start of camping
season here in the west. We had our site
in good shape by the time our first guests arrived. On Friday evening two campsites were
occupied. That was it. Apparently only the die-hards come up to Hoop
Lake over Memorial Day weekend.
Our management knows this.
They arrived with our signs, forms and fee envelopes – and our cleaning
supplies – on Saturday. They turned on
the water, which comes from a mountain spring, and we watched the rust from the
pipes flow out the two taps in the campground.
They’ll be back to test the water on Friday, we were told, but until
then we needed to let our campers know to boil the water first.
A short orientation on the fees and paperwork, and we were
ready to go – except for the fact that it was snowing and blowing way too hard
to post the signs. I ran some toilet
paper over to the campers on the other side of the dam and we called it good
for the day. I laughed to myself as I
carried the toilet paper – my friend Stacy told me that her most vivid memory
of camping was the cute little camp host with an armful of toilet paper. We finally cleaned the bathrooms and carried
the fee envelopes over to our campers on Sunday morning.
We were motivated to get water running into the trailer, so
we hooked up the hoses and turned on the water heater. Hot water without heating it on the stove –
heaven! Until the next morning when we
woke to discover that the water in the hose had frozen. Looks like we’ll be disconnecting the hose
every night and hooking it up for the afternoons when the temperature is above
freezing – until it stops freezing at night.
And speaking of freezing – our well thought-out plans for
powering the trailer with solar power didn’t take into consideration the amount
of battery power it would take to keep the furnace running all night and most
of the day. That, and the fact that
there is no solar power if the sun is not shining, forced us to use the
generator a lot more than we had expected.
As the weather warms up, we expect to use more and more solar (and less
and less generator).
Our adventure has truly begun.